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  • Letter from CEO
  • Greetings from Leona 2014

    Hi hi

    We have just passed through some tough times. This year's message may sound a little blue.   

    Thank you all very much!  We did well in 2014, under doubled efforts.  

    Last minute design changes (with shipment window unchanged)  & small-size productions (at dwindled budget)  became our fashion for 2014.  Our pride on delicate hand painting craftsmanship was challenged under several occasions. The heavy decision & re-decision commands were pressing to the team.  Glad that we have the chance to go through the process and to learn from it. I can understand for those staff who were fed up and left.  For those who can stay, you will be rewarded. And you will be supported with better infra-structure. Our demand on staff will only be increasing every now & then. A corporation is largely reflection of the individuals within. We need talents!

    Our China Office was tarnished by a staff corruption report! Vendors were involved. The agreement of confidentiality was breached.  The woes still have to be seen. Personally I am very difficult with this. Not only on its interruption on the workflow & office spirit, it hurts my fundamental trust to my people.  This incident we won't forget nor forgive.

    Being really inside a corruption case, one can see & feel perfectly the unfairness. We will have very generous year-end bonus to our key China staff this year. They have been so brave to uphold the noble side of human beings! We share results with all those loyal & honest, as always.

    Outside the offices & factories, the political/social atmosphere of our operation places was not harmonious either.  For all important projects, there should be at least a good motive, strategic planning & careful execution (which must include constant progress reviews, debugs & anti-virus measures). The terms “democracy” “bureaucracy” cannot be equated to medicine nor poison.  The world is changing & it is normal for the system to get updated on & off.  Evolution is never easy because more & more different entities are involved. If that “single elegant equation to explain everything” does not show itself yet, can there be a little more mutual respect first, so as to allow sincere minds to begin their meets & talks?  Can there be possible neo-communism, neo-democracy, neo-individualism…..which can move us forward? Do we need extremism as in the last century in order to get better life? Violence & dead-end proposals are not polished methodology. Prize-fighters Vs Unsung-heroes : they have their irreplaceable roles. If they show up in the wrong settings, real troubles can come. Same for business & non-business .

    We are not smart people.  But we will know if it comes the time company wants another more peaceful corner.  We are already standing on our toes.

    Martine, when I was so perturbed here, I almost wanted to move my office to your place, our old comrades !  We treasure your every single project. 

    Frederic, we are still learning to cope with your minimal-specifications & fast-pace changes. Thanks for the trainings on our engineers & merchandisers !

    Joe , you have well made your presence! Wow potential blue chips! We must work harder on you.  

    Takashi,  the kind of problems we are dealing with you are abnormal in our history.  That is rather serious blow to our production staff.  No matter the found defects are originated from us or not, we must take them & solve them! We must protect your brand as much as we are protecting ourselves.
    We are humble factory making simple toys.  Whenever our products are putting smiles on people's  faces, making links closer, bringing people together.........  We are also in the peace-making industry. Angel’s work !

    Passionately from,
    December 2014

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